d startin of an0ther epi. haha, owes epi wen it c0mes 2 weekend. ngee~~
jz n0w no sp0rts practice. actually already prepared 2 stayback, bt since no practice. can go h0me early!! yay..haha. bt den, didnt rely practised 4 it. i hv no idea h0w m i g0in 2 run nx week, haha. enterd 200m n 400mx4 race. jz tryin!! n, hv 2 enter pandu puteri's kwad 4 d cl0sing cerem0ny. i actually wantd 2 j0in d h0use's perbarisan[it'll b so much fun!] bt since ckgu askd me 2 c0nduct d team.. pty her s0, agreed. sigh. ok weesooyen. think po0sitive please. n0w. h0wever, d team is jz g0in 2 b a mess. an0ther, sigh. ok, p0ositive. :)))) evryting is g0in 2 b alrite. h0pe so
so back 2 my st0ry. wen h0me, bathe, eat, do h0usech0res.. n, guez wat? hit d sack 4 1 n half h0urs, haha. thursday evening kinda serves as my time 2 regain all my sleep i miss during d weekdays. ngee.. no harm d0ne i gues. :D but n0w, like still sleepy. haha, weesooyen kaki tido. shhh.
haha, rely 'tea-red' u n0e!! hee.
btw, 2day already passed up m0ral f0lio!! yeah, yeah, yeah...
k, g0t 2 go!! taataa~~
oh! do listen to tayl0r swift's enchanted!! so sweettt.. :D
"this night is sparkling, d0n't u let it go
i'm wonderstruck, blushing all d way home
i'll spend forever wondering if u n0e
i was enchanted to meet u.."
i was enchanted to meet u.."