Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Hujan makin lebat. Kanak-kanak kecil yang bermandi hujan di tepi pondok tadi sudah berlari pulang, riuh sekali mereka gelak ketawa. Namun, kelibat dua insan ini masih kelihatan. Seorang bersila, seorang bersimpuh. Senyap. Merenung jauh, masing-masing tenggelam dalam lamunan sendiri. 
Si jejaka mengambil langkah, memecahkan kesunyian antara mereka. 
"Keyakinan sebelah pihak tiada gunanya."
Si gadis mengetap bibir lalu menjawab;
"Sebagaimana bertepuk sebelah tangan tiada bunyinya?"
Si jejaka cuba menduga;
"Ya. Dan saya masih tercari, adakah tepukan itu hanya sebelah tangan."
Tertunduk lemah, si gadis menjawab;
"Jawapannya mungkin sudah terbentang depan mata, mungkin juga perlu dicari lagi. Lumrah manusia. Jawapan ya, tidak ataupun tidak pasti. Sering kali bukanlah jawapan yang abadi." 
Si gadis berhenti seketika lalu menyambung katanya;
"Seperti lalang ditiup angin, sering berubah."
Saat itu, si jejaka memandang si gadis lalu bersuara;
"Saya pernah bersuara betapa lemahnya saya dalam pencarian sebegitu rupa. Mungkin sudah jumpa. Mungkin juga tidak. Tapi saya pasti. Tepukan ITU. Bukan sekadar lalang. Punya hati kuat rasakan. Semangat itu."
Si gadis melepaskan keluhan kecil. Bukan tidak mahu bersuara, cuma tidak tahu apa yang harus dikatakan, tidak tahu apa yang perlu diluahkan. 
Si jejaka terus menyoal;
"Mampukah tangan dicapai andai benar ada jarak?"
Senyuman kecil mula terukir di bibir si gadis. Renungan si jejaka dibalas, lalu si gadis menjawab;
"Jarak hanyalah halangan konkrit yang mengaburi mata, yang menguji jiwa."
Tersenyum, si jejaka menambah; 
"Jarak itu subjektif yang menguji kognitif diri. Apa yang perlu cuma kepercayaan, kekuatan paling agung."
Kedua-duanya senyum, merenung ke dalam hujan yang semakin lebat dan terus membisu. Mungkin segala yang perlu diluahkan, sudah diluahkan. Tiada lagi sesalan mahupun persoalan yang menjajah fikiran.

Artwork by Fakhrurrazi
Nota kaki: Hasil perahan otak bersama teman. *peace* 
Hi there. Sorry for this sudden appearance, just want to share this, hihi. I just came back from the moon, haha. Thanks for reading! :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Hi there readers. *wave* 

I had been disappearing for so long but no worries, I still visit this blog once in a while. A few times in a month maybe. Well, things had been going on too fast. Too fast that I can't afford to pause down. Too fast that I struggle to keep standing. Too fast that I can't really catch the moments. Too fast that I am now at the edge of this ASASIpintar foundation program. Is it too fast or it is just me? 

I just got back from the cafeteria. Put my back down and gave myself a little bit of the comfort of my bed. I am suppose to finish my lab reports and assignments now but something triggers my fingers to write this post. When I am alone, I can't help but to think that my life in asasi is coming to an end already. Previously, i thought I would be jumping, counting the days happily because some parts of the life here does not treat me so well. But apparently, I can't bear the thought of this life ending. I can't bear the thought of leaving these people who were once strangers but now my friends, companions, mentors, motivators and the list goes on. Until now, I still wonder how we can all get so close. Different state? Different background? That just makes us more unique. I believe the Eximians had already tear the barrier of difference long ago and I am glad that everything works out for us.

There, everyone is so happy.

Everyone is currently busy with the research project which carries a massive weightage of 6 credit hours. I wonder if I am able to cope with it. We had just finish our 6 weeks program with an orphanage and I seriously learnt a long of things from it. Maybe I should elaborate further next time. Hmm. Believe it or not, this week, starting form tomorrow, is our final week for formal lectures. The following week will be our study week. And the finals will be starting on 31st of March. After 4 papers, we will have one final week for our research presentation and yeap, the grand dinner. This constant reminder of our schedule reflects we only have so little time together. Minus the weekends, minus the busy days. How much time can we spend time together? Curi masa here and there would be the answer for now I guess. :)

I guess the worst thing that I could do was to be the first person to cry after our final EXIMIUS 1314 dinner. Hopefully I won't. Hopefully.  

P/s: This short, random post is just for me to let my emotions flow, so it's a lil' bit unorganized. Sorry.

Dear Eximians of Eximius 1314, we do this! Let's LOL more :D

Soo Yen, the Susu of Eximius 1314 :)