Wednesday, September 23, 2009


hyE evry1! dIs m0rnin wEn 2 a sh0p,, 4 SaRAWAK 'Kun Loo' n00dles.. 0h G0d! it ws full h0use! v waitd tere so l0ng 4 n00dles 2 arv..wl, 4 me, it ws ony O-K.. it seems like its n0t rely w0rth it 2 wait 4 so l0ng! hurm.. dEn, wEn 2 SARAWAK CUTURAL ws nEar M0unt Santubung.. it ws terific!! gt 2 wtch a cltural shw(v were alrdy late, bt den me, may, ah e, n e tiu insistd 2 all d way 2 d t0p! is w0rth it alt0f v ony manage 2 wtch d Org Ulu n d Malay dance!) aftr dad, v wen all ova d 'vilage'..sw h0uses of diff ethnics, most of dem were l0ng h0uses, v hd 2 climb up, up! Haha! I evn try 2 use d ‘sumpit’! 1st bl0w, K-0.. 2nd bl0w n 3rd bl0w reach! Evry1 ws tryin 2 mk d fee [adult-RM60 n children-RM30] w0rth it!! Sw h0w ‘sago’, tapi0ca ‘kuehs’, pepper, bird nests r pr0cessd.. at d end of d walk, evr1 ws S0000000 EXHAUSTED!! Fuh… Srch d wh0le twn 4 lunch [seems like dad Sarawakians do not eat lunch?? Hurm,,] n luckily f0und dEn wEn bAck! At night, v had a sImplE bt dElicIous dinner at hm..I slpt kinda early ystErdy..w0rN-out!!


  1. want to see the "kolo" mee's photo....and the tauke as well???
    got photo bo??

  2. hyEp yEn..!!wElcOmE bAck..!!hOw u..??hOpE chAt2 erk..u knOw what,,bEst glErr r bAcE u pUnyE diAry at sArAwAk..!!i rElly2 enjOy rEading dAt.. AMAZINGG!!bUt a littlE bit,,kUrAng phm ckEtt.. hAks..tApE..jAnji hAri2 u kt sAnE bEst..sincE u r in kElAntAn nOw,,tAnAk mAi umAh kEr..??rAyE2.. dA wAy,,it's up 2 u...jUst mAkE ur own dEcisiOn...k...??k...gOt 2 gO nOw..dAa...
