Friday, September 25, 2009

im h0mE!!

2day, i gt up erly.. Eat brEakfst, den aftr 2 h0ur, hd 2 eat lunch!! uhh,, rely full.. V hd 2 eat lnch erly c0uz v hd 2 go 2 d airprt erly.. wl, b4 dad, v aso vstd my Kuku's offc..4 fl00rs bt each of dem is rely narr0w! rchd airprt withn a few..n, hd 2 say ''Bubye..'' 2 Kuku n Ah KIm.. s0 sad! i thnx bth of dem 4 our stAy dEr.. agEn, I fel aclIp in d plAne!! hahha,, Rchd LCCT, sw my an0ter aunty n unclE..aTe KFC, n t0k, t0k, n, t0k!! hm,, nex pt ws rEly sAdin..wl, i huggd my grAmps..n, teArs were r0llin dn my chEeks.. wahahaha...!! miss ya all!! flght bck 2 KB is a bit diff c0uz I nEva hd a nite flIght! but,, evrytin ws O-K!! Rchd hm safe n s0und!! 0verAll, im vEry, rEly, vEry, rEly hhhhaaaapppyyy durin dIs wIk!! i nj0y dis vAcati0n so much!!

p/s: Tq 2 kuku[uncle] n ah kim[aunty]!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


hyE evry1! dIs m0rnin wEn 2 a sh0p,, 4 SaRAWAK 'Kun Loo' n00dles.. 0h G0d! it ws full h0use! v waitd tere so l0ng 4 n00dles 2 arv..wl, 4 me, it ws ony O-K.. it seems like its n0t rely w0rth it 2 wait 4 so l0ng! hurm.. dEn, wEn 2 SARAWAK CUTURAL ws nEar M0unt Santubung.. it ws terific!! gt 2 wtch a cltural shw(v were alrdy late, bt den me, may, ah e, n e tiu insistd 2 all d way 2 d t0p! is w0rth it alt0f v ony manage 2 wtch d Org Ulu n d Malay dance!) aftr dad, v wen all ova d 'vilage'..sw h0uses of diff ethnics, most of dem were l0ng h0uses, v hd 2 climb up, up! Haha! I evn try 2 use d ‘sumpit’! 1st bl0w, K-0.. 2nd bl0w n 3rd bl0w reach! Evry1 ws tryin 2 mk d fee [adult-RM60 n children-RM30] w0rth it!! Sw h0w ‘sago’, tapi0ca ‘kuehs’, pepper, bird nests r pr0cessd.. at d end of d walk, evr1 ws S0000000 EXHAUSTED!! Fuh… Srch d wh0le twn 4 lunch [seems like dad Sarawakians do not eat lunch?? Hurm,,] n luckily f0und dEn wEn bAck! At night, v had a sImplE bt dElicIous dinner at hm..I slpt kinda early ystErdy..w0rN-out!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

2ND dAY IN Sarawak..

h0lA!! 2dy,, I visitd J0ng’s Crocodile Farm and Zoo.. well, I find dad place rely SCARY!! Dunno y,, myb c0uz d cr0cs tere!! V wen 2 dcr0cs muzium at 1st.. dere were pics sh0win cr0cs eatin humans..b0dies.. oh G0d!! dad time, I felt rely uncomfortable!! Fell like wantin 2, 2, u n0e!! up-chuck! At 1 part, v hv 2 go tr0ugh a w00den bridge n,, tere were cr0cs underneath! Huge cr0cs!! Oh G0d!! I ws cliggin 2 my m0m 4 my dear life! Wahahaha….!! Alt0f dere were, tere is n0t so safe,, its rely danger0us u n0e!! ate lunch outside..den, wen h0me!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

sAraWak, here i c0me!! [1st Day..]

W0ke up eArly in d m0rn, gt rEady n dr0ve 2 Pngkln Chepa airport.. flight 2 KL ws sm00th.. mEt my gramps, uncle n aunty at LCCT.. dEn chEckd-in 4 flght 2 Kuching.. it t00k one n a hlf h0urs 2 reach der..i ws so b0rd dad I slept! Rchd tere at ar0und 1++, wen 4 lunch in a rstaurnt.. n den, wen 2 kuku’s h0uz! Its at Riverine C0ndominium, d best ting is,, d balc0ny faces d Rajang River!! Wooohoo..!! spent d rest of d day toking 2 d family!! It’s fantastic! Pity je e n je e tiu c0uz dey r n0t here..huhu..

Friday, September 18, 2009

cElAmAt aLi lAya..

EPY EID 2 aLl mY mALAy frENz!!

an0tEr w!k oF 0l!dAy!!

hyE guyz!! g0nA hv 0liday 4 a wik agEn i gUes!! YIPEE!! wl,, dis timE, I'll b flyIn 2 KuchIng, SarawAk..
2 visit my unclE n aUnty.. g0na takE a flIght 2 KL 1st..dEn, j0in my grAmps n fLy tEre!!
Wh00sh...........[hehe..] stAyin tEre til ThUrs..h0piN tErE'll b nEt so dAd I cn gt t0Uch wit frEnz hEre!! h0pE 2 shArE mY 0lIdAy exprIencE wiT u gUyz 2!! Ad!os..

''EPY 00L!DAY!!''

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

a p!ecE of aDv!cE 4m m0i..


If u d0 hv a bEst fReN or tRuE fReN or BFF..
nEva, eVa d0uBt dEir siNcErneSs..
C0uz,, wEn dEy r 0ftEN d0Ubt..
dEyll fiLL sAd c0uz dEir bEsT fReN d0Ubt deir siNcErneSs.. s0MetimEs, dEyll fIll rEly hUrtd n, wEnt awAY..
At d EnD 0F d dAy..

ThE tRUe fRiENd..

In the middle of no where,
I keep myself searching everywhere,
S0meone that I've l0st yesterday,
T0 own once again and f0rever,
T0 make my tomorrows better,
I believe he/she will c0me to me..

The one that I've been searching,
Is the true friend,
That I had then l0st,
Seem it was impermenent,
But I must find he/she,
Even days are s0iled with tears..

But I can f0und n0 one,
L0ts of them look just like friends,
C0me and leave, they d0n't care,
Staying beside when there's j0y,
Walking away when I need,
H0w c0uld I call either one of them true friend??

I need a friend,
One who cares and understand,
Always standing by me,
Walking together thr0ugh the paths,
F0rever faithfull of happiness and s0rrow with me..

[T0uChin,, isn't it??]

U rEly sH0ULdN't!!
St0P bEInG d0UbtfuLL n aPpREciAte dem..
0ky?? pR0MiS0!!

p/s: hAppEns 2 me rEcEntlY..mY tRuE fREn d0Ubt me..

at last...

Hey there evry1! at lst,, i gt all my exm pprs!! Hist0ry is ony 80.. n Englsh is ony 90..dr0p 2 mrks!! As a c0nclusi0n,, all sbjcts dr0pd!! xcpt 4.....Ge0graphy!!

p/s: c0ngrats 2 Pesal 4 gettin d hghest in Hist0ry n J0e 4 gettin d hghest in Englsh..
seems dad v gurls didnt manage 2 'c0nquer' dis time's rsults.. hihihie..

Sunday, September 6, 2009

pr0bs rgrdin 2 my MATH mrks..

My Math sir dcdd 2 add 2 mrks 2 evy1's Math mrks.. A2ly,, mine is 78. So by rite,it'll b...u cn do Math!! Unftntly,, i sp0ttd anoter mstk in ppr2!! so, minus 1 mrk.. n its nw!! 79!! B!! Oh my G0d!! Sir did ask me weter I wan 79 or 80..i said 79 though.. wl,, myb sm of u my tink I'm a bit, 4 me..exm mrks r sppsd 2 b real 1s, rite?? Exms r hld so dad v stdnts cn tst our own ability. If v achv gud rslts, maintain it.. if n0t,, wrk hrdr! Dads wat exms r 4, rite? soo0oo0oo0o0o..
"wake up yen! dun b sd b0ut d use cryin ova spilt milk! u hv no1 2 blm bt urslf!"

p/s=Congrats 2 d 1s who gt A's 4 Math! y0ng, tiena n rieysa. Ltogh d questi0n is kinda challengin[4 me!].. u guys md it! 2 thumbs up!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


4 evry1's inf0,,
dis wik is d wik dad v gt our 2nd-trm exm rslts.. n kinda dissap0intd 2!! Alrdy gt al of dem xcpt 4 Sejarah n English.. here's mine..
S0-0-0-0-0 disap0ntd!! al sbjcts dr0pd xcpt SC,,GE0 n KHB!!