Thursday, July 23, 2009

Huhu...s0b, s0b..(jk!)

hye!! well, jz wanna share a piece 0f news wit u all.. I duno wether it's a bad or a gud news! H0ld ur breath!! C0uz 2nite will b d nite dad i will fall 4 u, ova agen... 00ps! s0ry!! Dads n0t d news,, dads d lyrics of...hehe...U-KNW-WAT-S0NG!! k, here g0es... I g0t merit, 2nd lvel, 123/150 in my June penan0 grade 4 prctical exm!! I duno wat 2 say!! I'm sad c0uz i'm still stuck in d 2nd lvel, snc d 1st grade exm!! N,, tere's ony 7 marks 2 reach distinction[130]!!0h man! But,, kinda a bit 'epy c0uz at least I didn't fail...or n0t i'll hv 2 take d exm agen!! Funy tingy is,, my marks wen up by ony 3 marks!! hahha... 0verall,, i'm SATTISFIED!!! Life g0tta kep m0vin, uhurm?? Yup! Tootaly agree!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Hi.. H0pe u r all fine!! I haven update my bl0g 4 ar0und 4 dayz, huh?? Hihie.. Well,, 2day I g0t 2 knw dad v r g0in 2 hav an exm dis Augst!! H0ld ur breath plezz!! Its b4 h0liday! "Oh no0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0oo0o0o0o0o0o0o00o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0
HELP! HELP! PLEZ SAVE ME! WHO CAN I COL 4 HELP?! BATMAN.. SUPERMAN.. (z00m..) SPIDERMAN? N0,n0, DORaEM0N THE MaGic P0CkET!!" U n0e frenz,, i tink my bl0g is full of my c0l 4 help, huh? hehe.. Anyway,, sc0l 2dy is fine..evryting is oki.. Xcpt dad 'tooooo bad 2 beeeee true' news!! Till den,, tata! Titi! Tutu! Tete! Toto!

p/s: Dinie(c0ugh! c0ugh!) n Faiz is g0in 2 SM SaINS mACHANG 2mrw 4 a Science quiz.. GUD LUCK!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Hi evry1!! Im 'chillaxin'.., decidd 2 stay at home...(rather thn sittin' in d tuiti0n's office 4 hourz!) Been srchin' 4 suitable songz 4 ch0ir..dun0!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

my 2Nd p0sT..

H0wdi!! As usual,, I'm still in skul.. I'm getting kinda busy nw,, c0uz tere's a choir competition coming up,early August.. Hurm,, d pr0b nw is.... Still haven select s0ngs!! Huhu... Help!! Help!! S.O.S.?!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Hallu frenzz!! I'll try to post as many things to my blog.. So0ooo,,, NJOY!!